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For free medical advice call Healthline 0800 611 116. Healthline provides a 24 hour, 7 days a week, over-the-phone health service. For emergencies call 111.  

What do I do about nose bleeds, mouth or gum bleeds?

See the KidsHealth page on low platelet count due to chemotherapy.

Low Platelet Count Due To Chemotherapy

What about pets and other animals?

Everyone should wash their hands after touching pets or other animals.

If your child has had a bone marrow transplant, speak to your doctor first before allowing them to touch pets or other animals.

Hygiene & Handwashing

How do I look after my child's teeth?

See the information about mouth care on the sore mouth due to chemotherapy page.

Sore Mouth Due To Chemotherapy

Do I have to do anything extra about personal and household hygiene?

See the KidsHealth page on low white cell count and infection as well as information on hygiene and hand washing.

Low White Cell Count & Infection During Chemotherapy

Hygiene & Handwashing

What about returning to school?

Check the KidsHealth section on childhood cancer and education.

Childhood Cancer & Education

What if someone in the house has a cold?

Anyone with a cold should use tissues for nose blowing and sneezing and throw them into the rubbish bin.

They need to wash their hands after nose-blowing and sneezing.

Can my child do physical activities?

Some tamariki (children) need to avoid some sports and games. This includes some tamariki having chemotherapy because of the chance they may be hurt by falling or knocking into someone or something. An injury can have serious consequences like bleeding, infection or damage to the central venous catheter. Talk with your child's doctor about what physical activity is OK for your child.

You might like to keep a record of:

  • a list of the physical activities (games and sports) which your child should not play
  • a list of the physical activities (games and sports) which are safe for your child to play

All the pages in the childhood cancer section of this website have been written by health professionals who work in the field of paediatric oncology. They have been reviewed by the members of the National Child Cancer Network (NZ). Medical information is authorised by the clinical leader of the National Child Cancer Network.

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