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What do I need to know before going home and leaving hospital?

My condition

  • I have a good understanding about my rheumatic fever / rheumatic heart disease
  • I have received rheumatic fever / rheumatic heart disease information and this has been explained to me by a health professional
  • I feel confident that I can cope well at home and have the right supports in place


  • I understand why I need to have bicillin injections, and that these will be for a number of years, until a health professional lets me know when I can stop
  • I have had my first dose of bicillin
  • I understand when I need to have my next bicillin, and where I will have this
  • I know who to contact about my injections

Follow up care

  • I am enrolled with a family doctor (GP)
  • I will have an outpatients clinic appointment arranged for me to go to - this will be at ______________________________
  • I know who to contact if I have questions about my condition

This information is adapted from the rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease booklet produced by the Rheumatic Fever Project Team, Te Whatu Ora - Counties Manukau, 2022.

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