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Displaying 41 results tagged with ‘Skin’

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  • How To Stop Skin Infections

    There are some simple steps you can take to prevent your child getting a skin infection.
  • Ringworm

    Ringworm is a flat, ring-shaped infection. See a health professional if the ringworm is on your child's scalp as this needs treatment with medicine.
  • Scabies In Children

    Scabies is caused by a tiny mite which digs under the skin and lays eggs. Small blisters grow on the skin above each egg and the skin gets very itchy.
  • Cellulitis In Children

    Any area of skin can become infected with cellulitis if the skin is broken in some way. Cellulitis is a serious infection that needs treatment with antibiotics.
  • Skin Infections - What To Do

    Find out the most important steps when tamariki (children) have skin infections. Every day check, clean, cover, eat well, sleep. Wash your hands before and after touching infected skin.
  • Looking After Your Child's Skin & Treating Skin Infections

    A 24 page booklet with information, diagrams and photos about looking after your child's skin and treating skin infections.
  • Boils In Children

    A boil is a tender red lump on the skin - an infection caused by bacteria. Boils are not usually a serious problem and you can treat most boils at home, especially if you notice them early. Sometimes, boils need more treatment.
  • Skin Problems In Children

    A poster with information about a range of skin conditions comparing early signs and how the skin condition spreads. There is advice about what to do about the skin infection and what to do if it gets worse. There is also advice about how much time your child will need off from school or kura.
  • When & How To Use Bleach Baths For Your Child With Eczema

    Antiseptic baths 2 times a week can help prevent infection and improve eczema. Bleaches come in different strengths - see the instructions for how much to use.
  • When & How To Use Steroid Creams For Children With Eczema

    If your child's skin has active eczema and is red and itchy, topical steroids can help to soothe that and allow the skin to heal and become comfortable again. You use steroid creams alongside other important eczema treatments, particularly moisturisers and avoidance of soap.
  • How Bathing Once A Day Can Help Children With Eczema

    Bathing can be really helpful for tamariki (children) with eczema. Bathing once a day helps to clean the skin and prepares the skin for creams after the bath.
  • How Using Moisturiser Helps Children With Eczema

    Find out how you can reduce eczema's impact on your child's quality of life. Use lots of moisturiser - at least twice a day, more if possible. Use it all over the body, including the face.
  • 3 Easy Steps When Caring For Your Child With Eczema

    There are 3 really important steps when caring for your child with eczema: using lots of moisturiser; bathing once a day and using steroids when your child's skin has active eczema. Watch the video to see these steps in action.  
  • Top Tips For Caring For Your Child With Eczema

    Tips from keeping your child cool to using lots of moisturiser - check the top 10 tips when caring for your child with eczema.
  • Measles In Children

    Make sure your tamariki (children) are vaccinated against measles. It takes around 2 weeks for the vaccination to protect you.
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