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Displaying 35 results tagged with ‘Lungs’

KidsHealth content collections show all content for a chosen topic. You can also use our site-wide keyword search or browse Health topics A to Z.

  • Calcium Needs For Children With Cow's Milk Allergy

    Is your child getting enough calcium? If your child has to avoid dairy products for their cow's milk allergy, make sure they are eating enough other foods containing calcium.
  • Apnoea Of Prematurity

    If a premature baby has apnoea of prematurity, it means they stop breathing at times for 15 to 20 seconds. 
  • Prednisone For An Asthma Attack

    Information for parents and carers about the use of prednisone for an asthma attack.
  • Prednisolone For An Asthma Attack

    Information for parents and carers about the use of prednisolone for an asthma attack.
  • Home Oxygen - What Else Do I Need To Know?

    Some helpful tips on looking after your baby with home oxygen, including how to monitor their progress and when the home oxygen can stop.
  • Whooping Cough Videos

    Watch videos of young babies affected by whooping cough. They show just how severe the disease can be.
  • Pneumonia In Children

    Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. It causes cough, fever and problems with breathing. Most tamariki (children) make a complete recovery from pneumonia.
  • Whooping Cough In Children

    Whooping cough can make pēpi very sick and some pēpi can die. Having whooping cough immunisation in pregnancy protects pēpi in their first weeks of life. Start immunising pēpi the day they turn 6 weeks old to keep protecting them.
  • Bronchiolitis

    Bronchiolitis is a chest condition that causes breathing problems in pēpi (babies). It's caused by a virus. Bronchiolitis is very easy to catch so wash your hands before and after handling your baby.
  • Asthma In Children

    Asthma is a condition that leads to narrowing of the airways of the lungs. Symptoms include wheeze, cough and difficulty breathing.
  • Allergy In Children

    Allergies happen when your child's immune system mistakenly treats normally harmless substances as 'harmful'. The substances that trigger allergies are called allergens. The symptoms of an allergy vary according to what a child or young person is allergic to. 
  • Breath-Holding Spells In Children

    A breath-holding spell may happen after a child has an upset or sudden startle, such as a minor bump or a fright.
  • Bronchiectasis Action Plan

    Tamariki (children) and rangatahi (young people) with bronchiectasis can have an action plan. You and your doctor or another member of your child's health team can discuss this so that it's right for your child. It lists your child's daily treatment and steps to take if your child becomes unwell. 
  • Bronchiectasis In Children

    Bronchiectasis is a chest disease. The airways in the lungs have become damaged and scarred. Once a person has bronchiectasis, they usually have it for life. Good treatment stops it getting worse and in very young tamariki (children), can reverse some of the disease.
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