Injury Prevention

Did you know that more than 60 percent of all under-5 injuries happen in the home? Find out how to make your child's environment safe. Some tips - never leave children, especially those under 5 years of age, unsupervised near water, including baths, buckets and water troughs. Keep medicine in a high place out of reach and out of sight of children. Store it in a locked or latched cupboard. Read more safety tips below.

Father fastening his baby son in to a car seat

Whare Kahikā (ancestral home) is an app giving whānau knowledge to create a safe physical home environment for tamariki (children).

Keep your child safe in the car. Make sure your baby is in a rear-facing car seat until they are at least 2 years old. Keep your child in a booster seat until they are 148cm tall - for most children, that's somewhere between 10 and 12 years of age.

Tiny powerful magnets can be very dangerous if swallowed by children. If your toddler or child has swallowed a magnet, go straight to your nearest hospital.   

Many electronic toys and devices have button batteries. They are very dangerous for young children if swallowed or put in nostrils or ears. Go straight to your nearest hospital if you think this has happened. 

Tamariki (children) have thinner skin that burns faster, deeper and at lower temperatures compared to adults. Most childhood burn injuries happen in the home, especially in the kitchen. You can prevent burns by taking some simple steps at home.

Children injured in driveway accidents often suffer severe and sometimes fatal injuries. Always check for tamariki before driving off, supervise them around vehicles and separate play areas from driveways.

If you think your child has been poisoned, call the New Zealand National Poisons Centre immediately on 0800 POISON (0800 764 766). Do not try to make your child vomit or give food or liquid until you have been given advice.

Keep your child safe near water. Never leave children, especially those under 5, unsupervised near any water, including baths, buckets and water troughs.