Parenting Support For Your Child's Emotions & Behaviour

Parenting Support For Your Child's Emotions & Behaviour

The emotional wellbeing of tamariki (children) and rangatahi (young people) is better when whānau can get the right support. Kiwi families have access to parenting support to improve emotional wellbeing for our tamariki.


Family - mother and 5 children sitting on steps


Triple P - Positive Parenting Program

There is a cost to the programme for most parents and whānau but in some areas of Aotearoa New Zealand, the programme is free. Please check with your provider to see if they are offering Triple P free or charge a fee.

Find a Triple P provider in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Triple P - Positive Parenting Program® helps with the following:

  • coping with stress in the whānau
  • managing challenging behaviours
  • child or teen anxiety
  • helping kids achieve their goals
  • enjoying family life more

Positive change is possible.

There is a range of Triple P Online programmes available throughout Aotearoa. Choose what works for you, to give kids key life skills and help everyone stay calm and positive.

  • interactive, easy-to-use online programmes with videos and activities and a downloadable workbook
  • each module only takes about an hour or less, and you can do just a few minutes at a time

Choose a programme and do it at your pace, and at your place!

What are the different programmes? 

Fear-less Triple P

This programme is for parents and caregivers of tamariki aged between 6 and 14 who are often anxious. There are 6 modules in this programme.

It helps whānau:

  • develop a better understanding of anxiety and fear and what can be done about it
  • understand what is within their control to change
  • know what to do when a child is anxious or upset
  • provide ideas to help children develop their own toolkit of coping skills to overcome anxiety

Find out more about Fear-less Triple P programme.

Find out more about anxiety

Triple P Online

This programme is designed to help parents and whānau create the best environment for their child's development and know how to tackle challenges. It is aimed at tamariki up to 12 years and involves 8 modules, each between 30 and 60 minutes long.

It helps whānau:

    • gain confidence in handling each new age, stage and situation
    • know how to address child behaviours and promote new skills for children to manage their own emotions
    • improve relationships
    • raise happier, more confident and capable tamariki
    • enjoy family life more

    Find out more about the Triple P Online programme.

    Teen Triple P Online

    This programme is for parents and caregivers of tweens or teenagers aged between 10 and 16 years. 

    It helps whānau:

    • create the best environment for their rangatahi
    • know how to address behaviours, promote new skills and help their children manage their own emotions
    • raise more self-reliant and happier rangatahi
    • build better relationships and communication

    Find out more about the Teen Triple P Online programme.

    Family Transitions Triple P Online

    Support your child through separation or divorce. Separation or divorce can be a challenging experience for you and your whānau. You can ease the transition with proven tips and strategies that support everyone to cope and adjust well during this time.

    Find out more about the Family Transitions Triple P Online programme.

    Watch videos about the Triple P programmes

    Lee Stanish works at Kindercare and says parents can't believe how dramatic the changes are once they start doing the Triple P programmes. 

    Watch Lee talk about the programme in this video from Triple P.

    Fiona Heys, a mother of two, talks about the impact of Triple P Online on her family. 

    Watch Fiona talk about the programme in this video from Triple P.

    Find out more about Triple P Online Parenting programmes

    See KidsHealth's section on emotional and mental wellbeing

    See KidsHealth's section on parenting skills

    This page last reviewed 02 December 2022.

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