
Immunisation protects tamariki against a range of serious diseases. Protect tamariki for life - immunise. Start immunising pēpi the day they turn 6 weeks old. Continue with all immunisations for full protection.

Mother holding her baby


GP talking about immunisation

A series of 10 short videos answering your questions about immunisation. Hastings mum and doctor, Dr Kiriana Bird, answers some common questions parents and whānau have about immunisation. If you're concerned about immunisation, knowing the facts can help you feel more confident about immunising your child.

Child having immunisation with mum looking on

Protect your whānau. Immunise on time. Vaccine preventable diseases are serious and sometimes deadly. Watch some short videos.

A young child

Immunisation on time is the most effective way to protect hapū māmā, pēpi and tamariki from preventable disease.

Mum holding baby talking to a health professional with father and support person looking on

Talking, cuddling, and holding your tamariki will help distract them from the injection and soothe them afterwards. If you are confident, your pēpi will be too.

Two girls smiling

Check information about COVID-19 immunisation in tamariki and rangatahi. Find out about having the COVID-19 vaccine when pregnant or breastfeeding.

A mother and her toddler

Flu immunisation is available from 1 April each year. It is important for everyone over 6 months old to have flu immunisation every year. It is especially important for tamariki (children) with certain long-term health conditions, and for women in pregnancy. 

A mother and her teenage daughter

Human papillomavirus (HPV) immunisation in girls and boys helps prevent cervical and other cancers caused by HPV. HPV immunisation is free for everyone from 9 years of age until before their 27th birthday. 

Illustration of child's face with measles rash

Protect tamariki (children) against measles. It can be very dangerous and spreads faster than almost any other disease.  If you're unsure whether your child has had their MMR immunisation, check with your Well Child Tamariki Ora provider or GP practice.

Screenshot of video animation - 2 families

Pēpi and tamariki (babies and children) can get free protection from meningococcal B disease with the MenB (Bexsero) vaccine. 

A boy with mumps who has swelling on his face

Mumps is very easy to catch. Immunisation given on time is the only way to prevent mumps.

2 babies playing

Immunisation protects against rotavirus - a common tummy bug that pēpi (babies) and tamariki (children) catch easily. Rotavirus causes vomiting and diarrhoea (runny, watery poo).

A boy sick in hospital with tetanus with parent sitting by bed

Tetanus is a life-threatening condition caused by bacteria in the soil. Tetanus usually develops after a 'dirty' wound but can develop after small or even unnoticed injuries. Only immunisation can prevent tetanus.

Mum sitting with baby on lap talking with a nurse

Whooping cough can make pēpi (babies) very sick and some pēpi can die. Having whooping cough immunisation in pregnancy protects pēpi in their first weeks of life. Start immunising pēpi the day they turn 6 weeks old to keep protecting them.