Drowning Prevention Auckland

Preventing drowning through education, research and advocacy

Drowning Prevention Auckland was formed in 1994 with a vision of an Auckland free from drowning achieved through the development of our water competence and changing knowledge, attitudes and behaviours.

Our connection with wai (water) is because we have some of the most beautiful water environments in Tāmaki Makaurau. We have the Waitemāta, Manukau, and Kaipara harbours; 411 km of rivers; 128 km of lake edge; and 3700 km of coastlines.

Wai is the source of life, but it can also be the cause of death through drowning. We need to respect and understand wai. Drowning Prevention education, research, and advocacy is paramount for Tāmaki Makaurau’s wellbeing and safety in, on and around water environments.

Our approach is across three channels of engagement and delivery – where we live (community), where we work (workplace), and where we learn (education). Through a range of innovative, evaluated and enjoyable learning opportunities we help individuals, families, communities and workplaces to be safe from drowning.

Drowning Prevention Aotearoa

DPA now works across Aotearoa New Zealand under our sister organisation, Drowning Prevention Aotearoa.

Since 1994, the team have been serving Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland as the lead agency for drowning prevention education, research, and advocacy, providing life-long learning initiatives and Drowning Prevention Aotearoa offers this to other areas of the country.

What do we offer?

Drowning Prevention Aotearoa provides water safety learning opportunities around New Zealand, with programmes tailored for workplace, community and education. Check out our Workplace Water Competency training sessions, or if you’re new to Aotearoa, discover our New to New Zealand programmes.

DPA Lifejacket Hubs

Survey - be in to win a lifejacket

Float first

Wai Ora Tāmaki Makaurau

Workplace Training

SPLASH Holiday Programme

Aquatic Education for Schools - PLD

Latest News

School adds water safety into outdoor education

School adds water safety into outdoor education

Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) provides the perfect opportunity for students to develop aquatic competencies. Bringing learning to life and finding out first-hand how to stay safer in, on and around the water. Drowning Prevention Auckland (DPA) works with...

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Save the date: World Drowning Prevention Day 25 July

Save the date: World Drowning Prevention Day 25 July

Go blue for World Drowning Prevention Day! Our country has one of the highest drowning rates in the developed world. Last year 90 families and communities in Aotearoa were heartbroken by this tragic loss of life. Save the date for World Drowning Prevention Day on 25...

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Promoting the Aquatic Employment Pathway

Promoting the Aquatic Employment Pathway

Unleash your potential... ride the waves of employment with us! The DPA team was amongst the thousands at the ASB PolyFest over the past week, playing a support role for the Wai ora Tāmaki Makaurau promotional booth, addressing the employment journeys within the...

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Become a Wai Safety Champion

Join our community of Wai Safety Champions – coming together to keep our loved ones and communities safe around water. It is easy to get started and there are a number of ways you can be a Wai Safety Champion:


Sign up to our Wai Safety Champions newsletter to hear from us about water safety news and opportunities to develop your water safety knowledge and competency


Participate in our water safety courses, or complete the modules on our free e-learning platform


Give what you can to help us provide water safety education to our community – every drop counts!

Wai Safety Champion Signup

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Learn about water safety

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